Directions to Bruce Spruce Ranch
231 W Fork Road, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
Please follow these written directions. Sometimes Google Maps will send you in the wrong direction.
- If coming from Pagosa Springs on HWY 160, turn left after mile marker 158 onto the West Fork Forest Service Road.
- If coming from South Fork or Wolf Creek Pass, turn right on West Fork Road, which is the first right (and about 1 mile) past Treasure Falls.
- GPS coordinates N37.43935 and W106.88599.
- NOTE: When traveling down Wolf Creek Pass, put your vehicle in LOW! Go down in 2nd mostly. Do not go over 48 miles per hour. Going 60 MPH is UNACCEPTABLE and could become deadly. Take care of you and your family. Be responsible so that you don’t have an accident or have to replace your brakes.

Bruce Spruce Ranch Grounds Layout
Click map to view larger