About Us

Back rows: Grandchildren!
The Hinger family has been running Bruce Spruce Ranch since 1966 and is pleased to welcome you!
This is a great place to bring your family to relax around the campfire in the evening; and during the day go hiking, fishing, do some horseback riding, or sightseeing in the surrounding area.
Rusty manages the ranch year-round. In the winter, besides taking reservations and running the office, he plows snow, keeping the road open to the Faris House and for cross country skiers on the West Fork Road. He also shovels snow loads off the roofs. During the spring, summer and fall, he is in charge of the day-to-day operations of the ranch.
Chris is the principal of the Pagosa Springs Middle School and joins us for a portion of the summer to help with the busy time of summer and other times as needed.
Rusty has 2 girls and Chris has 6 children all of whom have helped or do help with odd jobs around the ranch.
Grandparents, Craig and Eugenia, enjoy having the grandchildren close by and helping in the office and on the grounds wherever needed.
Learn more about the Ranch’s history and come visit us!